March’s Theme – Letting Go

I remember the moment, when a widow who still had her husband’s clothes in her bedroom closet, realized she was ready to let go. With tears in her eyes she told me about the moment when things shifted. I could feel that she had fully grieved her loss and knew she would still be able to cherish and honor the years they had shared, after her dead husband’s clothes were gone. Grief and fear and a desire to hold time back are a few of the reasons we hold on too long, even when we know it is holding us back. Feeling hurt or sad or self-righteous are other feelings that sometimes prevent us from letting go of grudges and misunderstandings, keeping us stuck in the past. 
I have also witnessed people letting go of perspectives, prejudices, and positions they thought protected them, finding new freedoms, opportunities, and possibilities in their lives. I imagine you have too. Or maybe, you are one of those people. In our own fellowship, I’m aware we have elders who have lots of practice letting go and who are already carefully considering what they have, what they want to hold on to, and what they are ready to let go of – literally and metaphorically.  
As we approach spring and anticipate doing some spring cleaning – literally and metaphorically – I invite you to scan your hearts and minds and lives for unnecessary or unhelpful ways of thinking, being and doing. I heard this recently. Let go a little – get a little peace. Let go a lot – get a lot of peace.  Let go absolutely – and you’re free!
Let’s use the month of March to let go of whatever is holding us back from living and loving life to the fullest.