Visiting Us
You are always welcome at the Mid-Columbia Unitarian Universalist Fellowship. Our Beliefs are not focused on one theology. We embrace a diverse range of beliefs. We are a religion of deeds, not creeds. We are welcoming of all sexual orientations and genders, and are a denominationally certified LGBTQI+ Welcoming Congregation. We strive to be accessible to diverse abilities. We have assisted listening devices and are wheelchair accessible. Child care is also available during service.
- Joining us for worship? Learn about what to expect in our Worship services.
- Wanting to join with others and make a difference in our world? Participate in our Justice ministries.
As you explore our website and learn about us Contact Us with your questions. We look forward to meeting you and getting to know you.
— The Membership Engagement Team: Steve Castles , Kathy Jubitz, Pam Morneault, and Debbie Olson
See our FAQs page for more information