Date(s) - Tuesday, April 18, 2023
6:00 pm
This meaningful and powerful event is for anyone who seeks to connect to and understand, through a spiritual lens, the climate issues we are facing. The event is offered by Riverside Community Church and supported by Gorge Ecumenical Ministries and the Columbia Gorge Climate Action Network. Its promotional flyer says: “Do you feel overwhelmed, fearful or powerless in the face of our climate crisis? Is your heart breaking in the midst of so much loss and devastation? Are you yearning for greater levels of connection, spiritual strength and resilience? If so, please join us to experience the healing and empowering practices of EcoFaith Recovery, a Portland based non-profit equipping individuals and communities of faith to take compassionate and courageous action. We will be guided by experienced leaders from the Ecofaith Recovery movement.” Dinner at 6 p.m., program at 6:30 p.m. This event is free, with donations welcome. Register by emailing the Riverside Church office ( by April 15.