This week, we are making use of a tremendous resource for our congregation, the Sermon of the Month website, from UUA. Our virtual visitor in the pulpit for this service is Rev. Phil Lund. Rev Lund has twenty years of experience serving congregations in the areas of faith formation and spiritual growth, first as a religious educator in Bloomington, Indiana, New York City, and Chicago, Illinois, and most recently as a congregational life consultant working for the Mid-America Region of the Unitarian Universalist Association. When we meet someone new, we often try to make a good impression by sharing the best of ourselves. The same holds true when we first share with someone the story of our UU faith. However, we need to move beyond the “good parts version” of Unitarian Universalism if we are going to build the beloved community. Dan Ball will be the celebrant for this online only, Zoom service.
Notes on upcoming services: In April, we will go back to our normal schedule (April 7 Zoom only; April 14 and April 28 – hybrid;
and April 21 in person only).