“Zen in the Time of Change,”

 In-person guest speaker Kakumyo Lowe-Charde Abbot, of the Dharma Rain Soto Zen Center Portland, with Dan Ball Celebrant. Dharma Rain’s shared intention is to cultivate authenticity and integrity in our own lives and in the larger community in which we live. They aim to engage in wise and compassionate activity for the benefit of all beings. Dharma Rain also runs a large Dharma School and summer Dharma Camp devoted to children deepening their understanding of themselves, the teachings of Buddhism, and the practice of the Dharma in their daily lives.  Dharma Rain acknowledges that suffering is a human condition made worse by bias and prejudice toward people based on race, ethnicity, income, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, and other traditionally marginalized identities. In-person at the Rockford Grange and via Zoom.