MCUUF welcomes everyone, regardless of age, race or ethnicity, immigration status, sexual orientation,
gender identity, or disability. Wherever you are on your spiritual path, you are welcome here.

How D.E.I. Saved Me…and Might Save You, Too

In person and online. Spring is a great time to Bring a Friend to Fellowship!  You can invite people to attend in person and on Zoom! Come hear Rev. Barbara speak about “How D.E.I. Saved Me … and Might Save You Too”.  After the service, join us for lunch downstairs, to talk about the meaning … Continue reading How D.E.I. Saved Me…and Might Save You, Too

April’s Theme: Salvation

By Reverend Barbara Prose The other day, I was asked if Unitarian Universalists offered salvation from Hell. Such questions are usually meant to unsettle, if not challenge people who say they are spiritual but not religious. If you are ever asked such a question, it’s helpful to remember a scene from The Diary of a Country Priest by Georges Bernanos. In that story, a priest encounters a woman who is completely turned in on herself. She has been abandoned by her daughter and betrayed by her husband. Death has claimed her young son. With so much loss and grief, her heart has hardened. So the priest urges her to unlock her hardened heart, pleading, Hell is not to love anymore.Remembering the scene, I found my answer and said, Yes, we offer salvation from hell. “ Because to tuck ourselves away in a little ego-world of our own, is hellish. To deceive ourselves into believing our world is the world – is hellish. To not have opportunities to serve others – is hellish. To have to think alike to receive love – is hellish. To be afraid of someone else because of the color of their skin, or their accent or their class, or their country of origin, or their religion – is hellish. In our congregations, we study and learn from psychology, sociology, anthropology, history, the arts and theology, so we can connect across all these differences that make a difference in our lives – and we develop the awareness and skills we need to be saved and to save each other from such a wide variety of living hells.  Do Unitarian Universalists offer salvation from hell?  You bet we do! Past Themes: March – Letting Go


Recurring Events

Every Tuesday – Garden Café 9-11 AM at Nativ Café, organized by Pam Zachary-Morneault
Every Friday – Community Action for Gaza 4:30-5 PM at Oak and 2nd St
3rd Thursdays – Sing-Along  7-8 PM at the Rockford Grange, led by Paul Blackburn and Dick Withers
1st Saturdays – Pancake Breakfast 7-10 AM at the Lyle Lion’s Club

Scheduling MCUUF Events at the Grange

Please send requests to [email protected] with the name, date and hours of your proposed event, the specific area at the Grange you want to use and your contact info. We’ll submit it and let you know asap if the request is approved or if there is a scheduling conflict. There is a once-a-month meeting where space/rental questions are decided, so get your requests in as early as possible. Thank you!

Meet Rev. Prose

After receiving her Master of Divinity degree from Bangor Theological Seminary in 2009, Rev. Prose served the All Souls Unitarian Church of Tulsa Oklahoma from 2010 to 2023.  As the Executive Minister of this 2,000 member congregation (one of the largest UU churches in the US), she led a staff of 20 or more. Rev. Prose moved to Hood River over a year ago and has been enjoying spending time with her granddaughter in Washougal.  Rev. Prose also serves as Executive Director of the Portland-based Interfaith Movement for Immigrant Justice (“IMIrJ”). We are pleased to support Rev. Prose as she continues to lead IMIrJ’s vital programs while also serving as our minister this coming year.