The Grace of Belonging

Sunday, January 12th at 10 am. Most of us long to belong, but we often forget there is a risk involved. To experience the grace of belonging, we must risk revealing all our parts, especially those parts we hide or judge harshly ourselves, for example our ignorance, anger, failures, or fear. For grace is never earned, but always given. Grace is never bought, only received.  When have you experienced a love that would not let you go? Despite your best efforts to shame or blame it away. As Denise Levertov wrote,
“As swimmers dare to lie face to the sly and water bears them,
As hawks rest upon air and air sustains them,
So would I learn to attain freefall, and float into Creator’s Spirit’s deep embrace,
Knowing no effort earns that all-surrounding grace.”
As we enter a new year, let’s explore the meaning and presence of grace in our lives.

Rev. Barbara Prose
In person at the Grange and online via zoom.

PDF of Order of Service for Sunday, January 12, 2025