Why do Athiests go to Church?
Join Rev. Barbara Prose in person or online to explore this question.
Join Rev. Barbara Prose in person or online to explore this question.
In person and online with Soup Sunday to follow. Join Rev. Barbara Prose in exploring the topic of immigrant justice, featuring special guest presenter Keren Rodriguez and music by Susan Randolph. Keren Rodriguez is a Congregational Organizer and Program Coordinator that seeks to amplify voices of minorities. Her organizing work currently focuses on creating rapid response … Continue reading Immigrant Justice
Sunday, January 12th at 10 am. Most of us long to belong, but we often forget there is a risk involved. To experience the grace of belonging, we must risk revealing all our parts, especially those parts we hide or judge harshly ourselves, for example our ignorance, anger, failures, or fear. For grace is never … Continue reading The Grace of Belonging